We began in September of 2005. We are a community team, we all come from different churches and backgrounds.
We all have in common, our great love for Jesus and the heart of a servant. We have a deep compassion for others and
want to share our lives and love with those who need us. We want to share the word of God with all! Please keep
this team in prayer so that we may always walk in the ways of our Lord and be shining examples of Him. May it be said
of us that we treat others as Jesus would have us to and may we always be humble and faithful servants!
don’t put anything in anyone’s way. So no one can find fault with our work for God. 4Instead, we make it clear that we
serve God in every way. We serve him by holding steady. We stand firm in all kinds of trouble, hard times and suffering.
don’t give up when we are beaten or put in prison. When people stir up trouble in the streets, we continue to serve
God. We work hard for him. We go without sleep and food. 6We remain pure. We understand completely what it means to serve God.
We are patient and kind. We serve him in the power of the Holy Spirit. We serve him with true love. 7We speak the truth. We serve in the
power of God. We hold the weapons of godliness in the right hand and in the left. 8We serve God in times of glory and shame. We serve
him whether the news about us is bad or good. We are true to our calling.
people treat us as if we were pretenders. 9We are known, but people treat us as if we were unknown. We are dying, but we continue to live. We are
beaten, but we are not killed. 10We are sad, but we are always full of joy. We are poor, but we make many people rich. We have nothing,
but we own everything.
2 Cor