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Praise Reports

This page will have all kinds of praise reports off and on,  we will try to keep it updated regularly!  It will not only be about Mercy  & Grace but our friends, partners and other ministries!

Thank you God for seeing us through our very first fund raiser and blessing us so big!  We owe you so much!   
You show us so much Mercy & Grace, more than we ever deserve!  Your Mercy is abounding and we do not deserve it! But you have such compassion for us you continue to pour out your Mercy upon us all! 
May we always be zealous, joyful workers for Christ Jesus!
Thank you Father!

We want to praise God for the new building the church recently attained and the Glorious presence of God in that place!  The awesome services and prayer and love that is taking place there.  God is working there!  AND, we have wonderful new cushioned seats!  They are wonderful, although we were so full of the spirit most of the time there, we wouldn't have cared at all if we were sitting on cement blocks! :-)  Keep the staff there in prayer constantly!  In John 21, Jesus said "feed my sheep"  and "take care of my sheep."   We must all do our part as the body in that ourselves and pray that they have the strength and means to do what they must do for Jesus and "the church."   So much responsibility on their shoulders. We must all share in that together as "the body."
So many hurt, lost and lonely people who need Jesus, we pray God sends them to us and that we are available and willng to do our part to futher His kingdom and none shall perish. 

Also we want to Praise our Lord & Saviour for our dear friend, Melissa as she returns home from her journey in a far away country working for our Lord as a missionary!  She is dedicating her life to making sure "everyone has heard!"  Thanks for your  service, may the Lord be with you and guide you and bless you & keep you!  You are stepping out and doing what many of us only dream of!  Mel, I can't wait to see you and hear all of your wonderful stories of all the wonderous things the Lord did and all you experienced on your trip!
We are very grateful to have Celebrate Recovery in our community!  It is a wondeful thing!  And such a blessing to all the lives it touches!  And all the healing it brings!  Praise God!
Keep this program and all the people involved in your prayers daily as well!  It is something this community needs very badly and it is and will continue to help many overcome hangups, habits, addictions, etc......
Remember everyone... that Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday nite!  If you haven't been, you should go check it out!  You won't regret it!  And it is for anyone, unless you are perfect, and I know none of us are that!!!!! :-)

We want to lift up our team member Barbara and pray for her total healing from you, our loving Father and great physician!
Lord, she is so special to everyone she comes in contact with and we thank you for sending her to us!  She brings so much joy with her gifts to all the precious little folks!
In Jesus name we pray,


Praise be to the LORD,
       for he has heard my cry for mercy.

The LORD is my strength and my shield;
       my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
       My heart leaps for joy
       and I will give thanks to him in song.

Psalm 28:6-7 


1 Timothy 5:1-2
Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity.

Mercy & Grace Ministry ~ Volunteers serving our Lord in our community.